Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekly Goal - 7 Planning Tips

Joyce at Freaking Fitness nailed it with these 7 tips.

Before I get into them, every one is vulnerable at some point. Ask your self, why? What makes you this way? How can you overcome this feeling? In all truth its your inner power. You have to grasp hold of what it is you need to overcome, and face it in a new direction. With these tips you will be able to use them in all aspects of your life. Most important, your gain of control to something healthy.

Joyce mentions that if you were to become a doctor, you would have set focus on the field of medicine you wanted to study. She goes on to state, that your health is no different. She has worked hard on setting up a guide line for people that need that extra push in the right direction to follow. I will list the goals, and provide the link where she discuss them in a more detailed script.

1) Have an exact goal.
2) Never just keep a goal in your head.
3) Have a task list.
4) Check off your accomplishments.
5) Don't focus on how far you have to go.
6) Have a timetable.
7) Share with ONLY positive people your goals.

We all know that setting goals can be a hard process. Especially those that make you face what you may be hiding from. Follow her guidance, and you will soon find yourself living a healthier life. Your sleepless nights will turn into sleeping peacefully. Now, isn't that more of a reason to get started today. Stop pushing off tomorrow, with what you can get done today.

This is our Weekly Goal is this week. I encourage you to set up Minor goals, that can be accomplished in a day, IE: Washing dishes. To long term goals, IE: To loose 150 lbs by May 2012. Make them reasonable. Good Luck this week with your goal setting. Remember, you can post them on your blog as well, share them with our community.

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