In the mean time, lets provide you with some great tools you can get.
For iPhone users - Two AMAZING applications are LiveStrong and MyNetDiary. I am providing you with two, mainly because one may be better suited for yourself. The nice thing about both LiveStrong and MyNetDiary is you can also access them by Internet and website.
Both will help you with your work out calorie count along with your food intake calorie count.
For those that want to do it the hard way, there are great tools that can track your calories as well. You can get a little tiny machine called a Pedometer that tracks your steps you take in a given day, this will in turn count those steps and put them into a calorie burn. The only thing I have found a bit flawed about them, is there is no telling if your steps is activity to burn calories or your normal daily walk. So you would need to really look into these and possibly spend a bit of cash to make sure you have a good one that fits your needs. You can find more information at China Trade Online.
They also make watches, that will not only give you the time, but has a feature that tells your calorie burn and intake, you can find more information about them at